

When implementing Condition Based Maintenance, or CBM tools into your power network, it is essential to have a clear asset management plan.
The PWR Cycle™ is a framework designed to help organise, manage and implement CBM technologies. Making managing your assets simple and effective.
Whilst traditionally IPEC products and services focus on On-line PD solutions, the strategy development by the framework can be applicable to all types of complimentary technologies.
This gives a clear path to achieve continual improvement of the management of each asset to maximise the value for your company and customers.
It is designed support and assist in the development of your ISO55000 Asset Management programs.
The planning phase is the start of any new strategy. First covering Knowledge and training, conferences and seminars, and product white papers. Helping asset managers and engineers gain a clear understanding of potential technologies to implement. Then gathering information about all assets and evaluating the most cost-effective solutions. Key elements to consider would be:
Gathering this information makes assessing the value of a CBM tool against its cost simpler. For example, an ageing asset critical to the network may be best suited to 24/7 monitoring, whilst a smaller secondary site may require spot testing or no action at all.
The watch phase of the PWR™ cycle is the implementation and operation of the CBM technologies. Monitoring systems, portable test units and service engineers may be deployed on different parts of the network, supplying data to asset managers on condition.
Having a clear plan for when tasks are carried out and who is responsible for them helps maximise the value of the technologies implement. Incoming test results and data is used to inform asset managers on network condition, critical levels and where action needs to be taken.
When an defect or issue is found in the network, knowing which options and actions are available helps manage the assets before it leads to long term problems. When dealing with Partial Discharge, the first course of action is often locating the source. On-line PD location can be conducted with dedicated location tools, installed monitoring systems, or through service teams site visits.
The most important part of the repair phase is to learn from defects and issues found in the network. Post analysis, case studies and lessons learnt feeds back into the planning phase of the power cycle to ensure constant improvement of the asset management strategy.
The PWR Cycle™ is designed to combine a variety of solutions that complement each other. Forming a complete framework to maximise the performance of your network, for now and for the future.
IPEC created The PWR Cycle as framework for Condition Based Asset Management to optimise existing and new Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) solutions adopted to manage your power network. The framework is guidline for the implementation of multiple technology types, not just On-line PD Monitoring and Testing solutions from IPEC.
Working with our clients, our expert and experienced solutions team will assess the current tools and methods utilised, and support with recommendations and resources we have built up over the past 25 years.