

There are several factors that affect the quality of On-line partial discharge detection including sensitivity of sensors, rate and quality of data acquisition and most importantly, quality of PD noise filtering. IPEC’s DeCIFer algorithm is a market leading tool for removing noise and identifying PD.
IPEC’s 1st systems were focused on MV cable PD. This is a particularly noisy environment and therefore quality of noise filtering is a particular focus among IPEC products. These initial systems have been developed into the world leading ASM systems we sell today with the DeCIFer algorithm, for PD noise differentiation, applied across the product range. These systems use our years of experience to automate PD detection, ensuring PD is found and false positives a kept to a minimum.
the most effective analysis system for PD/Noise differentiation
no manual analysis needed
built of decades of real PD events from IPEC long history in the market
As well as being used in IPEC products, DeCIFer is used by our partners
Fundamentally noise filtering uses wavelet analysis to identify PD pulses across the full sensor bandwidth, maximising the PD events found. These are then post processed to decide if the pulses found are likely to be PD. IPEC’s handheld devices are unique to the market in that they can display both the PD and noise level of the incoming signal to the sensor.
For ASM systems the noise filtering can go into deeper detail. Once PD pulses have been separated from background noise, fast data acquisition means the full waveshape of the PD pulse is saved and can be analysed. Our library of over 2 billion PD events is used to create rules within the DeCIFer algorithm to further verify the PD and automatically assess the severity.
By monitoring PD over time, trends and PD events are automatically processed by the system to give a criticality rating. This can be used by operators to quickly and effectively identify assets of concern. Using the ASM user interface, iSM, all PD data relating to these assets can be assessed to make informed decisions of next steps.